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Project publishable reports

Project Publishable SummaryAdobe Acrobat file (April 2021)

=> Peer-reviewed publications

=> Open access data

=> Oral presentations

=> Poster presentations

=> Other publications

Peer-reviewed publications


46) A. Schönfeld et al. A 2D detector array for relative dosimetry and beam steering for FLASH radiotherapy with electrons, Medical Physics, published 17 December 2024.

45) A. Subiel et al. Metrology for advanced radiotherapy using particle beams with ultra-high dose rates, Physics in Medicine & Biology, published 4 July 2024.

44) C. Fleta et al. State-of-the-art silicon carbide diode dosimeters for ultra-high dose-per-pulse radiation at FLASH radiotherapy, Physics in Medicine & Biology, published 19 April 2024.

43) A. Bourgouin et al. Charge collection efficiency of commercially available parallel-plate ionisation chambers in ultra-high dose-per-pulse electron beams, Physics in Medicine & Biology, published 23 November 2023.

42) S. McCallum et al. Proof-of-Principle of Absolute Dosimetry Using an Absorbed Dose Portable Calorimeter with Laser-Driven Proton Beams, Applied Sciences, published 30 October 2023.

41) M. Marinelli et al. A diamond detector based dosimetric system for instantaneous dose rate measurements in FLASH electron beams, Physics in Medicine and Biology, published 14 August 2023.

40) A. Bourgouin et al. The PTB water calorimeter for determining the absolute absorbed dose to water in ultra-high pulse dose rate electron beams, Physics in Medicine and Biology, published 30 May 2023.

39) A. Subiel and F. Romano. Recent developments in absolute dosimetry for FLASH radiotherapy, The British Journal of Radiology, published 11 June 2023.

38) F. Romano et al. Ultra-high dose rate dosimetry: Challenges and opportunities for FLASH radiation therapy, Medical Physics, published 11 April 2022.

37) S. Flynn et al. Development of CMOS dosimetry in proton minibeams for enhanced QA and primary standard absorbed dose calorimetry, Journal of Instrumentation, published 9 March 2023.

36) A.M.M.Leite et al. Ion recombination correction factors and detector comparison in a very-high dose rate proton scanning beam, Physica Medica, published 11 January 2023.

35) V. Istokskaia et al. A multi-MeV alpha particle source via proton-boron fusion driven by a 10-GW tabletop laser, Communications Physics, published 2 February 2023.

34) P. Chaudhary et al. Development of a portable hypoxia chamber for ultra-high dose rate laser-driven proton radiobiology applications, Radiation Oncology, published 15 April 2022.

33) O. McCusker et al. Multi-species ion acceleration from sub-ps, PW interactions with ultra-thin foils, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, published 28 November 2022. Linked dataset.

32) P. Chaudhary et al. Cellular irradiations with laser-driven carbon ions at ultra-high dose rates, Physics in Medicine and Biology, published 9 January 2023. Linked dataset.

31) P. Stasica et al. Single proton LET characterization with Timepix detector and artificial intelligence: implications for particle therapy, Physics in Medicine and Biology, published 8 May 2023.

30) A. Lourenco et al. Absolute dosimetry for FLASH proton pencil beam scanning radiotherapy, Scientific Reports, published 4 February 2023.

29) P. Jorge et al. Design and validation of a dosimetric comparison scheme tailored for ultra-high dose-rate electron beams to support multicenter FLASH preclinical studies, Radiotherapy and Oncology, published 28 August 2022.

28) S. McCallum et al. Assessment of the reliability of deconvolution procedures for RCF spectroscopy of laser-driven ion beams, Journal of Instrumentation, published 16 February 2022.

27) R. Kranzer et al. Charge collection efficiency, underlying recombination mechanisms, and the role of electrode distance of vented ionization chambers under ultra-high dose-per-pulse conditions, Physica Medica, published 7 November 2022. Linked dataset.

26) J. Paz-Martín et al. Numerical modeling of air-vented parallel plate ionization chambers for ultra-high dose rate applications, Physica Medica, published 28 October 2022. Linked dataset.

25) A. Cimmino et al. Comparison of OSL and TL Dosemeters With Data Collected at the MT25 Cyclic Electron Accelerator, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, published 22 August 2022.

24) E. Lee et al. Ultrahigh dose rate pencil beam scanning proton dosimetry using ion chambers and a calorimeter in support of first in-human FLASH clinical trial, Medical Physics, published 2 July 2022.

23) C. Oancea et al. Out-of-field measurements and simulations of a proton pencil beam in a wide range of dose rates using a Timepix3 detector: Dose rate, flux and LET, Physica Medica, published 17 January 2023. Linked dataset.

22) J. Šolc et al. Monte Carlo Modelling of Pixel Clusters in Timepix Detectors Using the MCNP Code, Physica Medica, published 16 August 2022.

21) A. Bourgouin et al. Absorbed-dose-to-water measurement using alanine in ultra-high-pulse-dose-rate electron beams, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 14 October 2022. Linked dataset.

20) A. Bourgouin et al. The probe-format graphite calorimeter, Aerrow, for absolute dosimetry in ultra-high pulse dose rate electron beams, Medical Physics, 1 August 2022. Linked dataset.

19) G. V. Rinati et al. Application of a novel diamond detector for commissioning of FLASH radiotherapy electron beams, Medical Physics, 2 June 2022.

18) M. Cavallone et al. Determination of the ion collection efficiency of the Razor Nano Chamber for ultra-high dose-rate electron beams, Medical Physics, 20 April 2022.

17) F. Gómez et al. Development of an ultra-thin parallel plate ionization chamber for dosimetry in FLASH radiotherapy, Medical Physics, 13 April 2022. Linked dataset.

16) A. Bourgouin et al. Characterization of the PTB ultra-high pulse dose rate reference electron beam, Physics in Medicine & Biology, accepted 8 April 2022. Linked dataset.

15) R. Kranzer et al. Response of diamond detectors in ultra-high dose-per-pulse electron beams for dosimetry at FLASH radiotherapy, Physics in Medicine & Biology, 21 March 2022.

14) M. McManus et al. Determination of beam quality correction factors for the Roos plane-parallel ionisation chamber exposed to very high energy electron (VHEE) beams using Geant4, Physics in Medicine & Biology, 17 March 2022.

13) Patrik Gonçalves Jorge et al. Technical note: Validation of an ultrahigh dose rate pulsed electron beam monitoring system using a current transformer for FLASH preclinical studies, Medical Physics, 22 January 2022. Linked dataset.

12) M. Marinelli et al. Design, realization, and characterization of a novel diamond detector prototype for FLASH radiotherapy dosimetry, Medical Physics, 21 January 2022.

11) C. Oancea et al. Stray radiation produced in FLASH electron beams characterized by the MiniPIX Timepix3 Flex detector, Journal of Instrumentation, 17 January 2022. Available also here.

10) M. McManus et al. A Geant4 Fano test for novel very high energy electron beams, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 22 December 2021.

9) R. Oesterle et al. Implementation and validation of a beam-current transformer on a medical pulsed electron beam LINAC for FLASH-RT beam monitoring, Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 5 October 2021. Linked dataset.

8) P. Chaudhary et al. Radiobiology Experiments With Ultra-high Dose Rate Laser-Driven Protons: Methodology and State-of-the-Art, Frontiers in Physics, 8 April 2021.

7) D.Poppinga et al. VHEE beam dosimetry at CERN Linear Electron Accelerator for Research under ultra-high dose rate conditions, Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, December 2020.

6) R.Kranzer et al. Ion collection efficiency of ionization chambers in ultra-high dose-per-pulse electron beams, Medical Physics, November 2020.

5) K. Kokurewicz et al. Dosimetry for New Radiation Therapy Approaches Using High Energy Electron Accelerators, Frontiers in Physics, November 2020.

4) A. Schüller et al. The European Joint Research Project UHDpulse – Metrology for advanced radiotherapy using particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates, Physica Medica, November 2020.

3) A. Bourgouin et al. Calorimeter for Real-Time Dosimetry of Pulsed Ultra-High Dose Rate Electron Beam, Frontiers in Physics, October 2020. Linked dataset.

2) F. Romano et al. Challenges in dosimetry of particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates, Journal of Physics: Conference series, October 2020.

1) M. McManus et al. The challenge of ionisation chamber dosimetry in ultra-short pulsed high dose-rate Very High Energy Electron beams, Scientific Reports, June 2020. Linked dataset.

Open access data


15) Dataset: Out-of-field measurements and simulations of a proton pencil beam in a wide range of dose rates using a Timepix3 detector: Dose rate, flux and LET (C. Oancea). Linked publication.

14) Dataset for “Development of an ultra-thin parallel plate ionization chamber for dosimetry in FLASH radiotherapy” (F. Gómez). Linked publication.

13) Dataset for Charge collection efficiency, underlying recombination mechanisms, and the role of electrode distance of vented ionization chambers under ultra-high dose-per-pulse conditions (R. Kranzer). Linked publication.

12) Dataset: “The challenge of ionisation chamber dosimetry in ultra-short pulsed high dose-rate Very High Energy Electron beams” (A. Subiel). Linked publication.

11) Dataset for Numerical modeling of air-vented parallel plate ionization chambers for ultra-high dose rate applications (J. Paz-Martín). Linked publication.

10) Validation of an ultrahigh dose rate pulsed electron beam monitoring system using a current transformer for FLASH preclinical studies (P. G. Jorge). Linked publication.

9) Implementation and validation of a beam-current transformer on a medical pulsed electron beam LINAC for FLASH-RT beam monitoring (R. Oesterle). Linked publication.

8) Calorimeter for Real-Time Dosimetry of Pulsed Ultra-High Dose Rate Electron Beams (A. Bourgouin). Linked publication.

7) Data for: “Dosimetry for new radiation therapy approaches using high energy electron accelerators” (K. Kokurewicz). Linked publication.

6) Multi-Species Ion Acceleration from sub-ps, PW interactions with Ultra-thin Foils (O. McCusker). Linked publication.

5) Cellular irradiations with laser-driven carbon ions at ultra-high dose rates (P. Chaudhary). Linked publication.

4) Characterization of the PTB ultra-high pulse dose rate reference electron beam (A.Bourgouin). Linked publication.

3) The probe-format graphite calorimeter, Aerrow, for absolute dosimetry in ultrahigh pulse dose rate electron beams (A.Bourgouin). Linked publication.

2) Absorbed-dose-to-water measurement using alanine in ultra-high-pulse-dose-rate electron beams (A.Bourgouin). Linked publication.

1) Monte Carlo simulated absorbed dose distributions inside BluePhantom2 water phantom with PMMA walls for 220 MeV pencil proton beam (J.Šolc).

Oral presentations


91) A.Subiel, Ultra-high dose rate (UHDR) dosimetry and the future perspectives, presentation at FFC-QA and Dosimetry Working Group (eFlash), 19 April 2023.

90) A. Schüller, Highlights from EMPIR and EPM JRPs: UHDpulse – “Metrology for advanced radiotherapy using particle beams with ultra high pulse dose rates”, presentation at TC-IR Annual Meeting 2023, Madrid and online, 28 February 2023.

89) UHDpulse Project: Overview and Current Status (A. Schüller), The 2nd UHDpulse workshop for stakeholders, Czech Republic, January 2023.

88) Review of beam parameters in FLASH RT (S. Heinrich), The 2nd UHDpulse workshop for stakeholders, Czech Republic, January 2023.

87) Primary standard for absorbed dose measurements in UHPDR high energy electron beams at the PTB facility (A. Bourgouin), The 2nd UHDpulse workshop for stakeholders, Czech Republic, January 2023.

86) Absolute Charge Measurement in UHDpulse electron beams (P. Peier), The 2nd UHDpulse workshop for stakeholders, Czech Republic, January 2023.

85) Primary standard calorimetry for UHDR proton beams (A. Subiel), The 2nd UHDpulse workshop for stakeholders, Czech Republic, January 2023.

84) Proof-of-principle calorimetry measurements for absolute dosimetry of laser-driven ions beams (S. McCallum), The 2nd UHDpulse workshop for stakeholders, Czech Republic, January 2023.

83) Secondary standards and relative dosimetry in UHPDR high energy electron beams at the PTB facility (A. Bourgouin), The 2nd UHDpulse workshop for stakeholders, Czech Republic, January 2023.

82) flashDiamond – Review and Outlook (R. Kranzer), The 2nd UHDpulse workshop for stakeholders, Czech Republic, January 2023.

81) Diamond detectors for instantaneous dose rate measurements in UH-DR and UH-DPP beams (G. V. Rinati), The 2nd UHDpulse workshop for stakeholders, Czech Republic, January 2023.

80) Volume recombination in parallel-plate ionization chambers (F. Gomez), The 2nd UHDpulse workshop for stakeholders, Czech Republic, January 2023.

79) The inadequacy of the established analytical ion recombination models for ionization chamber dosimetry at conventional dose rates (J. Paz-Martín), The 2nd UHDpulse workshop for stakeholders, Czech Republic, January 2023.

78) Ionisation Chamber Dosimetry in Ultra-Short Pulsed High Dose-Rate Very High Energy Electron (VHEE) Beams (A. Subiel), The 2nd UHDpulse workshop for stakeholders, Czech Republic, January 2023.

77) FLASH experiments at the Dresden platform for high dose rate radiobiology (F. Horst), The 2nd UHDpulse workshop for stakeholders, Czech Republic, January 2023.

76) Development of innovative silicon carbide detectors for radiation detection and dosimetry (C. Fleta), The 2nd UHDpulse workshop for stakeholders, Czech Republic, January 2023.

75) Characterization of out-of-field of electron and proton beams using Timepix3 detectors (C. Oancea), The 2nd UHDpulse workshop for stakeholders, Czech Republic, January 2023.

74) Characterization of out-of-field of electron beams using Luminescence Dosimeters (A. Cimmino), The 2nd UHDpulse workshop for stakeholders, Czech Republic, January 2023.

73) Bonner sphere spectrometers for neutron stray radiation field characterization (M. Zboril), The 2nd UHDpulse workshop for stakeholders, Czech Republic, January 2023.

72) The role of the National Physical Laboratory in providing traceability for dosimetry in emerging techniques – FLASH Radiotherapy (A. Subiel), Institut of Physics (IOP) Workshop, United Kingdom, December 2022.

71) Current Status of Dosimetry in FLASH Radiotherapy (A. Subiel), EFOMP Congress 2022, Ireland, August 2022.

70) Challenges in FLASH beam dosimetry: Appropriate detectors to use (A. Subiel), AAPM 2022, USA, July 2022.

69) In-field and out-of-field microdosimetric characterization of proton beams using the Timepix3 detector (C. Oancea), 8th Loma Linda Imaging workshop, USA, July 2022.

68) Heat Correction Factor of the PTB Water Calorimeter in Ultra-high Pulse Dose Rate Electron Beam (A. Bourgouin), FRPT2022 conference, December 2022.

67) FLASH Metrology (A. Subiel), FRPT2022 conference, December 2022.

66) Online Beam Monitoring in PMBRT Using a CMOS Detector (S. Flynn), FRPT2022 conference, December 2022.

65) Silicon Carbide Diodes for Ultra-high Dose Rate Dosimetry (C. Fleta), FRPT2022 conference, December 2022.

64) Achievements of the Joint Research Project UHDpulse – “Metrology for Advanced Radiotherapy Using Particle Beams With Ultra-high Pulse Dose Rates” (A. Schüller), FRPT2022 conference, December 2022.

63) Development of Improved Dosimetry Standards for FLASH Radiotherapy: The UHDpulse Project (A. Cimmino), ICRS14, September 2022.

62) Investigation of Plastic Material Properties Exposed to Ultra-high Dose Rate Electron Beam (Y. C. Gedik), IUPESM 2022, June 2022. 2nd place in Best Young Presentation Award for 2022.

61) Characterization of The PTB Ultra-High Pulse Dose Rate Electron Beam (A. Bourgouin), IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics And Biomedical Engineering 2022, June 2022.

60) Dose, Flux and LET Measurements of Scattered Radiation in Proton Therapy Using Timepix3 Detectors (C. Oancea), PTCOG 60, June 2022.

59) Overview of the EMPIR project UHDpulse – “Metrology for advanced radiotherapy using particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates” (A.Schüller), webinar of Associazione Italiana di Fisica Medica, 19 May 2022.

58) Metrologie pro radioterapii pulzními svazky s vysokou dávkou v pulzu (J. Šmoldasová), Konference radiologické fyziky, 21 April 2022.

57) Highlights from EMPIR JRP UHDpulse “Metrology for advanced radiotherapy using particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates” (A. Schüller), EURAMET TC-IR meeting, 27 January 2022.

56) EMPIR UHDpulse progress (A.Subiel), TG359 meeting, October 2021.

55) New R&D platform with unique capabilities for electron FLASH and VHEE radiation therapy and radiation biology under preparation at PITZ (FLASHlab@PITZ) (F. Stephan), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

54) Spectral and Intensity Sensitive Characterization of Pulsed Flash Proton Fields With the Pixel Detector TimePIX3 (C.Oancea), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

53) Developments in Active Neutron Spectrometry for Neutron Stray Radiation Field Characterization in Flash Radiotherapy (M.Zboril), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

52) Overview and Current Status of the Joint Research Project UHDpulse – “Metrology for Advanced Radiotherapy Using Particle Beams With Ultra-High Pulse Dose Rates” (A.Schüller), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

51) Flash RT: Current Status of Dosimetry, QA, Challenges and the Need for Further Developments (A.Subiel), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

50) Flash Teaching Lecture: Dosimetry at Ultra-High Dose Rate and the Clinical Translation of the Procedures (C.Bailat), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

49) Laser-Driven Ion Beams and Ultra-High Dose Rate Radiobiology (M.Borghesi), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

48) Ultra Thin Plane-Parallel Ionization Chambers: Expanding the Range of Air Ionization Chambers Into Ultra-High Dose Rate (F.Gomez), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

47) Fricke Dosimetry as a Primary Standard and Reference for Absorbed Dose to Water in Ultra High Pulse Dose Rate Electron Beams (F.Frei), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

46) Ion Collection Efficiency in Ultra-High Dose Per Pulse Electron Beams (A.Bourgouin), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

45) Plastic Scintillator Under Ultra-High Dose Rate Electron Beam: Long Term Damages and Changes in Optical Response (B.Lessard), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

44) Vented Ionization Chambers for Ultra-High Dose Per Pulse Conditions (R.D.Kranzer), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

43) Realization and Characterization of Novel Diamond Detector Prototypes for Flash Therapy Application (G.V.Rinati), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

42) Monitoring a Flash Beam: for Preclinical Studies and Towards Clinical Applications (S.Heinrich), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

41) Faster Than Light: Can Scintillators Guide Electron Flash Experiments? (V.Vanreusel), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

40) Performance of a Probe Type Graphite Calorimeter (Aerrow) in Ultra High Dose Per Pulse Electron Beams (A.Bourgouin), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

39) Secondary Standard Dosimetry: Understanding the Ionization Chambers for the Future Ultra High Dose Rate Applications (J.P.Martin), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

38) Linearity of Diamond Detectors in Ultra High Dose Per Pulse Electron Beams (R.D.Kranzer), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

37) Ion Recombination Correction Factors and Benchmark of Detectors in a Very High Dose Rate Proton Scanning Beam (A.M.Leite), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

36) Multi Leaf Faraday Cup for Quality Assurance in Radiation Therapy With Electron and Ion Beams at Convetional and Ultra High Dose Rate (A.Schüller), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

35) Development and Test of a Small Portable Graphite Calorimeter for Use in Ultra High Dose Rate Particle Beams (R.A.Thomas), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

34) Calorimetry for Ultra-High-Dose-Rate Very High Energy Electron Beams (M.McManus), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

33) Irradiation of Luminescence Dosimeters in Stray Radiation Field in Laser-Driven Accelerators (A.Cimmino), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

32) Calorimetry Techniques for Absolute Dosimetry of Laser-Driven Ions Beams (S.McCallum), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

31) Dosimetry and Beam Delivery Arrangements for Single-Shot, Ultra-High Dose-Rate Radiobiology Experiments Employing Laser-Accelerated Ions (G.Milluzzo), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

30) Influence of Electron Beam Dose Rate and Pulse Structure on the Protecting Flash Effect Observed in Zebrafish Embryo (J.Pawelke), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

29) Metrology for Advanced Radiotherapy Using Particle Beams With Ultra-high
Pulse Dose: Test in Flash-like Electron Beam at Microtron MT 25
(I. Ambrožová), Applied Nuclear Physics Conference, September 2021.

28) Dosimetry for ultra-high dose rate radiotherapy with electron beams (A. Schüller), Strathclyde Virtual Workshop Ultra-high Dose Rate Radiotherapy, September 2021.

27) Dosimetry for FLASH radiotherapy with electron beams (A. Schüller), Joint Meeting of the ÖGMP, DGMP and SGSMP, September 2021. Video is here.

26) Towards primary and secondary standards for dosimetry in Flash radiotherapy (A. Bourgouin), Joint Meeting of the ÖGMP, DGMP and SGSMP, September 2021.

25) Clinical translation of FLASH radiation therapy: What has been done and the challenges still ahead (S.Heinrich), Strathclyde Virtual Workshop Ultra-high Dose Rate Radiotherapy, September 2021. Video is here (password: SVW:UHDRRT21).

24) Current state of the art and coming developments on dosimetry for FLASH
(A. Schüller), FLASH radiation therapy in Brandenburg, Berlin and Northern Germany, DESY Zeuthen and virtual, August 2021.

23) Metrology for Advanced Radiotherapy using Particle Beams with Ultra-High Pulse Dose Rates (UHDpulse) (A. Cimmino), ELI Summer School 2021.

22) Absolute Dosimetry of Ultra-High Dose Rate Pulsed Electron Beams Using a Graphite Probe Calorimeter (F. Keszti), AAPM 63rd Annual Meeting, July 2021. Video of the presentation.

21) Overview of the EMPIR project UHDpulse “Metrology for advanced radiotherapy using particle beams with ultra high pulse dose rates” (A. Schüller), ESTRO European Particle Therapy Network (EPTN) WP2 Workshop “Ultra high dose rate dosimetry: what’s going on”, virtual meeting, May 2021.

20) Overview of the EMPIR project UHDpulse “Metrology for advanced radiotherapy using particle beams with ultra high pulse dose rates” (A. Schüller), AAPM COMMITTEE TREE, Task Group No. 359 – FLASH (ultra-high dose rate) radiation dosimetry, virtual meeting, April 2021.

19) Towards primary and secondary standards for dosimetry in Flash radiotherapy (A. Bourgouin), 2021 Virtual CIRMS Annual Meeting, April 2021. Video of the presentation. Meeting abstract.

18) The Joint Research Project UHDpulse – “Metrology for advanced radiotherapy using
particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates”
(A. Schüller), EURAMET Technical Committee for Ionising Radiation Contact Person Meeting 2021, February 2021.

17) The challenge of high dose rate for ionisation chambers (D. Poppinga), VHEE2020 Workshop Online, October 2020

16) Dosimetry of particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates (A. Subiel), VHEE2020 Workshop Online, October 2020

15) The challenges of Ultra high dose rate dosimetry for preclinical irradiation (C. Bailat), VHEE2020 Workshop Online, October 2020

14) Dosimetry of electron beams – challenges and possible solutions for VHEE and FLASH (A. Schüller), VHEE2020 Workshop Online, October 2020

13) UHDpulse – ein europäisches Forschungsprojekt zur Dosimetrie für neuartige Strahlentherapieansätze mit ultrahoher Pulsdosisleistung (A. Schüller), DGMP 2020 Online, September 2020

12) Calorimetry techniques for absolute dosimetry of proton beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates (F. Romano), PTCOG2020 Online, September 2020

11) Dosimetry for advanced radiotherapy approaches using particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates (UHPDR) in the EMPIR UHDpulse project (A. Subiel), PTCOG2020 Online, September 2020

10) Video: Investigation of a Simple Calorimeter Design for the Dosimetry of Ultra-High Pulse Dose Rate (FLASH) Electron Beams (A. Bourgouin), 2020 Joint AAPM | COMP Virtual Meeting, July 2020

9) Dosimetry of ultra-short high dose-per-pulse very high energy electron beams (M. McManus), 2020 Joint AAPM | COMP Virtual Meeting, July 2020

8) Dosimetry for proton irradiation of 3D cell models at ultra-high dose rate (G. Milluzzo), BLIN4: Beam Line and INstrumentation: Fourth Workshop, June 2020, online workshop

7) Calorimetry techniques for absolute dosimetry of laser-driven ions beams (S. McCallum), BLIN4: Beam Line and INstrumentation: Fourth Workshop, June 2020, online workshop

6) Introduction to FLASH-RT (C. Bailat), POLIMI online training course, May 2020, Italy. Video is also available here.

5) The Joint Research Project UHDpulse – “Metrology for advanced radiotherapy using particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates” (A. Schüller), meeting “Transforming Radiotherapy in a Flash”, February 14, 2020, London, United Kingdom

4) Challenges in dosimetry of particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates (F. Romano), conference Mini- Micro- Nano- Dosimetry (MMND 2020) in conjunction with Innovation Technologies in Radiation Oncology (ITRO 2020), February 10-16, 2020, Wollongong, Australia. The corresponding paper is available here.

3) EMPIR project UHDpulse (Ch. Kottler), EURAMET Technical Committee for Ionising Radiation Contact Person Meeting 2020, January 28-30, 2020, Lisbon, Portugal

2) Dosimetry verification for FLASH radiotherapy (C. Bailat), ASTRO Annual Meeting, September 15-18, 2019, Chicago, USA

1) EMPIR project UHDpulse: “Metrology for advanced radiotherapy using particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates”, (A. Schüller), International Conference on Medical Accelerators and Particle Therapy, September 4-6, 2019, Seville

Poster presentations


29) Verification of a method for spectroscopy of polyenergetic proton beams using radiochromic films (S. McCallum), The 2nd UHDpulse workshop for stakeholders, Czech Republic, January 2023.

28) Characterization of passive detection methods in ultrashort pulsed fields (V. Olšovcová), XLIII. Dni radiačnej ochrany 2022, September 2022.

27) Investigation of Plastic Material Properties Exposed to Ultra-high Dose Rate Electron Beam (Y. Can Gedik), FRPT2022 conference, December 2022.

26) Fricke Total Absorption – an Insight Into a Primary Standard for Absorbed Dose to Water in Electron Beams (F. Frei), FRPT2022 conference, December 2022.

25) Dose Rate Dependence of Ultra Thin Air Ionization Chamber Ion Recombination (F. Gomez), FRPT2022 conference, December 2022.

24) Verification of a Method for Spectroscopy of Polyenergetic Proton Beams Using Radiochromic Films (S. McCallum), FRPT2022 conference, December 2022.

23) 2D Scintillating Sheets as Real Time Dosimetry Solution for UHDR Beams (V. Vanreusel), FRPT2022 conference, December 2022.

22) An Optically Stimulated Luminescence System for 2D Dosimetry in Ultra-high Dose Rate (A. Colijn), FRPT2022 conference, December 2022.

21) Neutron Detection in UHPDR Mixed-fields Produced by Electron Beams Using Active Pixel Semiconductor Detectors Timepix3 (C. Oancea), FRPT2022 conference, December 2022.

20) Scattered Radiation Measurements of Single FLASH Electron Beam Pulses Using Minipix-Timepix3-Flex (C. Oancea), FRPT2022 conference, December 2022.

19) Detector Determination of the Ion Collection Efficiency of the Razor Nano Chamber for Ultra-high Dose-rate Electron Beams (R. Delorme), FRPT2022 conference, December 2022.

18) Ion Recombination Investigation at a FLASH Radiotherapy Facility at NPL (A. Douralis), FRPT2022 conference, December 2022.

17) Designing an ultra-thin parallel-plate ionization chamber for ultra-high dose rate application (J. Paz-Martín), 2022 European Congress of Medical Physics (ECMP), August 2022.

16) Development of Improved Dosimetry Standards at laser Accelerator Facilities: UHDpulse (A. Cimmino), ELI Summar School 2022, August 2022. Short presentation is here.

15) New Developments on SiC Dosimeters for Advanced Radiotherapies (C.Fleta), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021

14) Fluka Monte Carlo for Basic Dosimetric Studies of Uhpdr Electron Beams (A.Knyziak), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021

13) Characterization of OSL and TL Dosimeters with Data Collected at the MT25 Cyclic Electron Accelerator (A.Cimmino), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021

12) Monte Carlo Modelling of Pixel Clusters in Timepix Detectors Using the MCNP Code (J.Šolc), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021

11) Dosimetric Comparison Scheme Facilitating Multi Center FlashRT Pre Clinical Studies (C.Bailat), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021.

10) Establishment of a Flash Radiotherapy Facility at Npl and Dosimetry Study (A.Douralis), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021

9) Time-Stamped Measurements of Single Flash Pulses of Primary Electron Beams in Wide Dose Range and Micro Seconds Resolution With Miniaturized Minipix-TimePIX3-Flex Camera (C.Oancea), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021

8) Measurements of Scattered Radiation Produced in Electron Beams Using Minipix TimePIX3 Flex (C.Balan), FRPT2021 conference, December 2021

7) Towards primary and secondary standards for dosimetry in Flash radiotherapy (A. Bourgouin), International Metrology Congress, 7-9 September 2021, virtual conference. Poster mini presentation is here.

6) Characterization of stray radiation produced in FLASH electron beams using customized Minipix Timepix3 detectors (C.Balan), IWORID, June 2021.

5) In-water fast-time-sensitive measurements with Timepix3 detector for sensitive measurements with Timepix3 detector for dosimetry and and tracking characterization of stray radiation fields produced by FLASH proton beams (C.Oancea), PTCOG59, June 2021

4) The challenge of dosimetry in Flash Radiotherapy (F. Gomez), IFIMED de Física Médica, 14-15 December 2020, virtual conference

3) Study of OSL Dosimeters in Ultra-High Pulse Dose Rates Particle Beams at ELI Beamlines Laser Facility (A. Cimmino), ELI Summer School 2020, August 2020, Hungary

2) Dosimetry for advanced radiotherapy approaches using particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates in the EMPIR UHDpulse project (A. Subiel), 2020 Joint AAPM | COMP Virtual Meeting, July 2020

1) Metrology for advanced radiotherapy using particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates (in Czech; J. Šolc), XLI. Days of Radiation Protection, November 4-8, 2019, Mikulov, Czech Republic

Other publications


44) Case Study Overview: Monitoring of ultra-high dose rate electron beams for advanced cancer treatment (A. Schüller), Euramet website, January 2024.

43) Case Study Overview: Measurement of radiation dose at ultra-high dose rates for advanced radiotherapy (A. Schüller), Euramet website, January 2024.

42) Development of Improved Dosimetry Standards for FLASH Radiotherapy: The UHDpulse Project (A. Cimmino et al.), in Proceedings from the ICRS 14/RPSD 2022 conference, January 2023.

41) A. Lourenço, Dosimetry for proton beam cancer therapy at NPL, Invited presentation at Cambridge University, United Kingdom, 16 February 2023.

40) F. G. Rodríguez, Designing an Ultra-thin Parallel-plate Ionization Chamber for Ultra-high Dose Rate Applications, 4th European Congress of Medical Physics, 1 December 2022.

39) M.-C. Vozenin, FLASH Radiotherapy & Particle Therapy conference, FRPT2021, Radiotherapy and Oncology, 1 October 2022.

5-38) Abstracts from the FRPT2021 conference, Physica Medica, February 2022.

4) A. Bourgouin, Towards primary and secondary standards for dosimetry in Flash radiotherapy, abstract for 2021 Virtual CIRMS Annual Meeting, April 2021. Other material: video and presentation.

3) A. Schüller et al., FLASH Radiotherapy and Particle Therapy Conference (FRPT 2021): a short article in the OMA Express – the Newsletter of the Optimization of Medical Accelerators Project, page 11, March 2021 (pdf)

2) S. Motta, Characterization of OSL dosimeters for radiation protection at ELI Beamlines laser facility, Master’s thesis, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, April 2020

1) A. Schüller et al., UHDpulse: A new European research project: a short article in the OMA Express – the Newsletter of the Optimization of Medical Accelerators Project, page 12, February 2020 (version for web is here)