
This successfull project has finished in February 2023.

The overview paper describing the motivation and goals of the UHDpulse project and providing details on the state-of-the-art of the radiotherapy using particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates was published in Physica Medica journal.

More recently, another overview paper was published in Physics in Medicine & Biology, discussing recent developments in the field of dosimetry for FLASH RT, with particular focus on primary and secondary standard instruments. It also provides a brief outlook on the future work which is required to enable clinical implementation of FLASH RT.

The full list of publications, presentations, and datasets is available in the section Publications.


This project 18HLT04 UHDpulse has received funding from the EMPIR programme co-financed by the Participating States and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

EURAMET website of the Project is here.

Project summary

UHDpulse – Metrology for advanced radiotherapy using particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates is a joint research project within the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR). The project began on 1 September 2019 and run for 3.5 years, finishing on 28 February 2023. The overall goal of the project was to provide the metrological tools needed to establish traceability in absorbed dose measurements of particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates (UHPDR), i.e. with ultra-high dose per pulse or with ultrashort pulse duration. The project was coordinated by the National Metrology Institute of Germany, PTB.

Download the Publishable SummaryAdobe Acrobat file of the project.

Download the overview paper describing the motivation and goals of the UHDpulse project and providing details on the state-of-the-art of the radiotherapy using particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates.

The specific objectives were:

  1. To develop a metrological framework, including SI-traceable primary and secondary reference standards and validated reference methods for dosimetry measurements for particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates.
  2. To characterise the response of available detector systems in particle beams with ultra-high dose per pulse or with ultrashort pulse duration.
  3. To develop traceable and validated methods for relative dosimetry and for the characterisation of stray radiation outside the primary pulsed particle beams.
  4. Using the results from objectives 1-3, to provide the input data for Codes of Practice for absolute dose measurements in particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates.
  5. To facilitate the uptake of the project’s achievements by the measurement supply chain, standards developing organisations (e.g. those associated with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and International Commission on Radiation Units (ICRU) reports) and end users (clinical and academic laboratories, hospitals and radiotherapy manufacturers).

The workpackage description is provided here and the project background is described here.

More detailed results from reports internal to the project may be made available to individual enquirers.