The second project workshop for stakeholders will be hosted by ELI Beamlines. It will be a fully in-person meeting. Dates: 26-27 Jan…
All FRPT2021 abstracts. Abstracts resulted from the UHDpulse project: 1) A. Schüller et al.: Overview and Current Status of the…
The fourth project meeting was organized online by PTB, 16-17 February 2022. The meeting agenda is available here.
The first UHDpulse conference for stakeholders will take place in Vienna 1-3 December 2021. The website of the Flash Radiotherapy and Particle Therapy Conference…
The third project meeting was organized online by ELI Beamlines, Czech Republic, 11-12 March 2021. The meeting website with agenda is…
The second project meeting was organized as a virtual meeting hosted by the National Physics Laboratory (NPL), United Kingdom. Meeting…
The kick-off meeting was organized by the project coordinator, PTB, in Braunschweig, Germany, on Tuesday and Wednesday 22-23 October.